Tuesday, June 20, 2006

In the Still Quiet Night

In the still quiet night
the cat asks to be in
and I open the door

The sun will be up before long
time to get some rest soon
but first a few words

Life goes by
You can't always get what you want (thank you, Mick)
Trying does matter

you really are in the best place
though it may not seem so

Other times
the answers aren't around

It's good to have a place to eat and sleep

Some people have incredibly good sense
most of the time

can't get past the feeling
it's all been said before

electricity is amazing

and so is water

it's really time
to get some rest

see you later


Pat Paulk said...

From morning to night!! Everything around us is amazing, if we look. Good poem Steve!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Pat.

floots said...

beautiful title and poem
i think a lot of us are like cats
(wanting to be out when we're in and vice versa)

i enjoy the simple truths in this
(and of course the nod to mick)

the answers aren't always around
but this helps us think
where they may be hiding

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

This describes most of my nights! :)

Masago said...

I enjoy reading this one.

steve said...

pat - one good thing about taking some time to write - helps with the looking!

ryan - good to see you here

floots - i appreciate your words very much - tonight the question is how to unclog a drain and i think the answer is to use the phone.

andrew - glad you can relate to this one

vaughn - thanks - its good to have a quiet night sometimes