Friday, July 28, 2006


This is one hot day
and after staring at
several months worth
of chaos
it's starting to wear

but chaos
is what's on
the menu
for now
sure is hot out


floots said...

i'm fascinated by chaos
you're a scientist
pray tell me
if i attempt to build
a model of chaos
will it have to fail
in order
to succeed

nice one

steve said...

thank you - it's a fair question, and considering the model that starts with a butterfly and ends with a hurricane, i'd have to say yes. The models tend to underpredict what actually happens (reality stranger than theory, or maybe just too many possible outcomes). truth is i can't model chaos, but like the rest of us just know it when I see it. here's hoping for fewer hurricanes.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I guess it's miserable everywhere! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm readdy for fall...

polona said...

so you DO come by my blog... nice to know that :)
and thanks on my behalf, too...

chaos seems ubiquitous these times... can't be sure whether i'll still have a job by next year or what i'll be doing ...

Pat Paulk said...

Steve, the heat certainly exacerbates the other. Very good!!

billie said...

wow- you hit the nail on the head with this post.

steve said...

andrew - how much better these cooler evenings seem now

peter - you know it, bud!

jon - you know it too!

polona - and I should visit there more often - you do beautiful work. does seem like getting used to dealing with chaos is a good idea.

pat - sure seems that way!

vaughn - yes, even farther north!

betmo - thank you for visiting again, I do appreciate that and your comment here.