Sunday, October 15, 2006

Little Warning

And oh, I thought it would
be so easy and of course
it wasn't

but there is comfort
in the right direction
and promise

while children quickly
watch and grow

for all the world
run hardly fair
to hear most tell

a case of space provisions
not much good here
except to have and hold

in good times and in bad
in sickness and health
or until boredom sets in

some lines jump out
with little warning
and require the same

Take care of what
you've got


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Wise words! :)

dsnake1 said...

"Take care of what you've got"

I'll remember that. thank you, steve. :)

Pat Paulk said...

Hmmmm... it's those little warnings you miss that get you into trouble.

polona said...

ah, all the things we take for granted... thank you for the gentle warning...