Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another Way

In Physics, as in other areas
there is often more than one way

In Dreams, antigravity hardly surprises
while skyborne over high power lines

And talking along the etherway
alone among so many millions

(But not really)


polona said...

another excellent piece, steve!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

interesting -- enjoyed it :)

floots said...

there's more than one way to skin a cat
(even if it's schroedinger's) :)

steve said...

polona - very kind - thank you

andrew - good to see you again & I must get over to your site(s) - link would probably help, eh? Hope all is well in the music world at school.

floots - and thereby hangs a tail :)

Annie Wicking said...

What wonderful words... I love to play with them. To find their rhyme and reason. Their rhythm and soul
Best wishes


steve said...

annie - thank you - I look forward to your writing - do you mainly use the scribble pad?

gautami tripathy said...

Got here from floots blog. Glad I did.

Was it antigravity which had kept me away from here?

I will be back.

steve said...

gautami tripathy - hello and welcome - it may have been time - but I'm glad that you arrived :)