Sunday, March 25, 2007


What is claimed is:

1. A face, comprising:

_____a first surface, having articulated features,
_____and further having a plurality of openings; and

_____a second, hidden, surface, having unarticulated
_____thoughts, reasons and feelings; and

_____a filter, said filter disposed between said
_____first and second surfaces.

2. The face of claim 1, wherein the filter is comprised
_____of carefully woven half-truths.

3. The face of claim 1, wherein the filter is comprised
_____of half-forgotten memories.

4. The face of claim 1, wherein the filter is comprised
_____of chemically-induced haze.

5. The face of any of claims 1-4 wherein said
_____first and second surfaces each bear an image,
_____each said image being a patently false
_____representation of the other.


Anonymous said...

This is an excellent treatment of an important topic.

steve said...

aurora - thanks - one could argue that there would be multiple layers (onion-like), but maybe two will do for now.

polona said...

two faces and a number of filters... quite enough.
well done, steve!

Annie Wicking said...

What can I say...
I always try to see only the good side in all.
Only to be caught out when the bad side rears up and strikes you, that comes as quite a shock.

I happened to me quite recently someone who was I thought was a really good friend. It took me quite a few weeks before I could talk to her (If it wasn't for the fact we work in the same place, I wouldn't have spoke to her again) Now I don't trust her, I will always be on my guard waiting for the next attack.

My best wishes


steve said...

polona - thank you - I guess communication is a lot about dealing with filters of various kinds.

annie - we can hope for the good - so hard to rebuild trust once it's broken, whether it's with kids, friends, coworkers...thanks for your honest words.


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

This is truly interesting. You have the most unusual way of saying things. :)

Pat Paulk said...

What's behind a smile...

Anonymous said...

Steve, can you please send me an email? I'm having problems getting the Magnapoets invitations to your email address. Thanks.

dsnake1 said...

what an interesting write. enjoyed it.

are you a lawyer? :)

floots said...

you are the most scientific poet
the most poetic scientist i know
(and i mean both as compliments)

cheers steve

steve said...

andrew - I spend a lot of time studying patent law these days :)

pat - there's often something, it seems...just how we are, I guess!

aurora - been looking forward to the new Magnapoets - thank you!

dsnake1 - thank you - more a scientist trying to understand law :)

floots - thank you so much, and once again I appreciate the encouragement that you provide for me and so many of us who are learning.