Monday, July 02, 2007

Strangers in the Niche

In a web that never sleeps
lights-out land of servers
who run, and crawl about
or listlessly lie in wait

Now I lay me down to sleep
or dream of unseen niches
where strangers bide, or bid,
or rest alone together


floots said...

sums up perfectly how i often feel
unable to sleep and
before a screen full of faraway
thank you
(like the title too) :)

Annie Wicking said...

Welcome to the online world...

great poem, Steve


steve said...

floots - thanks, been up more lately. My brother got me thinking about niche marketing, which I duly researched, but here I am tapping Sinatra for help :)

annie - it's an odd world at times, isn't it? thanks for this note.