Thursday, August 02, 2007

The Bridge

Dinner on the porch
text news to the young:
bridge just collapsed

Soon, and again
calls from anywhere
"Are you OK?"

Been across so many times
like so many others
some every day

She missed it by minutes
we heard today
another OK

We cannot know
how hard not to hear
that simple word.


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I saw your comment on Pat's and wanted to stop by. Your work is as good as always. Thanks :)

Annie Wicking said...

Glad to hear everything is ok with you.
What a sad lost to all those who have lost love ones.

My best wishes to you and your family.


polona said...

i didn't realise that was near you.
glad everything is ok with you and yours.

steve said...

andrew - thank you & good to hear from you

annie - sounds like not as much loss as at first feared, but awful for those who've lost someone. A time for people to check-in with their friends.

polona - thank you - I know of some who had gone across shortly before this happened. Quite a somber time here.

dsnake1 said...

i saw a comment in the papers that said. :"this is not supposed to happen in America. "