Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Boxing Day

I don't know the history but I think it's about well-off folks packaging up old stuff and putting it out for less well-off folks, making room for new stuff.  Whether that's right or not, it seems like a recurring theme. 

In Tolstoy's "The Prince", the Prince gives most of his stuff away, presents to peasants.  The peasants are much wealthier than they've been, but gradually (or not so gradually) the situation moves back to about where it was.

Tolstoy took the time to write.


Unknown said...

The time and need to write- one is easy-one is not so-blank pages awate-there is a lock on the flood gate to need- it’s right on the other side! I can see it-Igor, hand me that key-there is no monster in there— the monster is in me!!

Unknown said...

Tolstoy stole toys? And gave them to peasants
Good to know Prince Crooks.
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