Saturday, August 12, 2006


that's what he was
to the end
or will be -

the bee also
who stung my shoulder
or died trying
to do more

the ache is not so evident
as i reboot the new used PC
and ponder how long
this will last


Neetee said...

I like your poems because you saddle us upon thoughts that strongly thread themselves in and about the changing moments of life. When it's all said and done, you've woven a wonderful work of connectedness.

Thank you steve.

Masago said...

Ouch...I experienced this a couple of months back. Not fun.

steve said...

queen neetee - sometimes I run quite out of thread but there are still plenty of changes - thanks for your words, always welcome

vaughn - they seem to be coming up out of the ground, which is a great disincentive for mowing the grass! Ah well, it's pouring rain now anyway.