Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A Distant Drill

Ah, the dentist's chair,
the dentist's chair

I lie back
and imagine
beautiful skies
as a distant drill


Masago said...

That's easy for you to say! :-)

Pat Paulk said...

Absolutely Vaughn!! Drugs man, drugs!!!

steve said...

Well yes, drugs...but it still helps to have somewhere to drift off to for a while. Or try to. Today they did end up getting my skull resonating, which was not so great, and I forgot all about the sky.

floots said...

i fell asleep in the chair once
(usually i'm terrified)
nowadays finding a dentist is the main problem up here

may all your treatments be happy ones

Neetee said...

I'm one of those people who falls asleep while the dentist works. As long as the numb is king, I dream.

I really live this one steve

steve said...

floots & queen neetee - sleeping sounds like a good option! more dental action coming up soon, I'll have to ask them how many drift off to pass the time.