Wednesday, September 27, 2006



this view
through glass -
slog on!


steve said...

aurora - thanks :) I do actually have something going on with one of my eyes, nothing major, but it does get one's attention! And my depth of field for choosing things to write about is, well, usually not too deep. So we get the eye this time. But 'burn-out' is also a known location!:) Indeed. Thank you again - I'm vaguely remembering your poem that went with this picture...something about a completed circle...I think.

floots said...

i agree with aurora
hope your eye is ok soon
(i had iritis once - not nice)

Pat Paulk said...

Had that happen a couple of years ago, eye infection. Slogged on though!! Good one Steve!!

polona said...

hope your eye gets well soon!
nice little poem!

steve said...

floots, aurora, pat & polona - thank you all - the eye is getting duly medicated, warmed, and occasionally given a blast of 'red-remover.' Helps to appreciate when they are normal:)

so, let's see if there's a better topic lurking about...