Thursday, July 27, 2006


is a state of mind

could I just rest here a while
in uffish thought
while you whiffle past
through this tulgy wood

I'm sure you know better
than I, else
why would I be sitting here
like this

['Jabberwocky' memorized in early August of 1979]


Pat Paulk said...

Did you see the rabbit in that "tulgy wood"?? Good one Steve!!

polona said...

it's curious that a few weeks ago i haven't even heard og jabberwocky, and now it seems to pop up everywhere :)
i like the poem, but not what it implies... hope you're ok.

steve said...

pat - that's one harried rabbit! always late...thanks

polona - jabberwocky is so delightfully odd, I guess that's why I took the time to memorize years ago. My work life has become odd but the delightful part is elusive during a prolonged period of uncertainty. I don't like prolonged uncertainty, but sometimes that's what is there, and the challenge is to not get worn down by it. Helps to write. Thank you so much for your comment.

floots said...

i was always a bandersnatch man :)