Wednesday, May 24, 2006

An After-Dinner Meeting


  • whites, blues & grays
  • tree outline
  • touch of sunset
  • water
  • Other


Masago said...

very curious...something here to ponder.

floots said...

love the way you've put this together
impact of a ku
the form gives a great underlying
sense of satire

Pat Paulk said...

Think I'm liking the "other"!! Like the poem too!!

polona said...

sounds like one meeting i wouldn't mind attending. enjoyed!

Anonymous said...

lovely perspective and picture too :)

steve said...

vaughn - this was a good meeting!

floots - thank you - after a day of dodging bullet points this kind of meeting is welcome

pat - somebody has a poem with a line "come to me, O other one" - I can't find it - but this scene called it to mind.

polona - thank you! glad you enjoyed this one.

capegirl - i appreciate the perspective that you bring - thank you.

linda said...

beautiful photograph, Steve.

steve said...

planetlinda - thank you! I love to include the sky when it is so beautiful.