Saturday, May 13, 2006


put them on in the morning
brain circuit rearrangement
surely it will be better

clarity in some spots
while others lacking;
worse, perhaps -

rhinos and moles
and whales, I suppose
may have a tough time
seeing past their noses

whales are actually reported to have good vision, though I'm not sure how that is determined


Neetee said...

So true!

I am one who wears glasses daily and yet my optical crutch does not render all in my life crystal clear.

clarity in some spots
while others lacking;
worse, perhaps -

This piece is wonderfully written.

Thank you.

steve said...

aurora - welcome back!
I was at the optometrist's recently, no sign of even a dolphin, although some of the eye tests were like trying to see underwater:)

queen neetee - you have plenty of 'in'-sight:) Thanks!

floots said...

made me smile
made me think
that's gotta be good
nice one

steve said...

floots - new lenses, new features, and eventually the room will stabilize 0/0