Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Delicate wings
fill the evening sky


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

beautiful photo -- if you don't mind, I'm going to add this blog to my link -- I should have long ago, but I guess I couldn't find it! :)

Masago said...

Yes, what a shot.

Masago said...

Steve, j. andrew, I have added links to both your blogs as well.

floots said...

and all powered by my blood
great shot/words
(but i've been bitten to pieces by their relatives today) :)

Pat Paulk said...

Yikes!!! Those things are big enough to take you out!! Make for good poetry though!

polona said...

i agree - wonderful shot! and i like the words :)

steve said...

andrew - I took several before getting a couple that included a close-up - they were moving around pretty quickly - thanks for the link!

vaughn - thank you also for the link! I don't have a very big link collection but I should get organized with it...

floots - these ones didn't bite but a few did hitchhike back into the house.

pat - there were quite a lot of them too - they cause most harm by getting squashed on a freeway bridge, making the road slippery. Also smeary windshields. They aren't around for many days.

polona - thank you! they do have such delicate wings.