Friday, July 07, 2006

Board / Ambition

nothing says ambition
like the lines in this face
crossing a mere half century,
not much in the life of some trees
or ancient nation morphology

pretention may carry the moment
sustain the delusion, provide
cracks through which to seep
but this pass too shall be left
walked upon by others to come

how liftingly needed
lake-supported skies
in times of missed glory
but questions come and go,
and leave their mark

wall construct gazes
past counted moments,
this waitless reach
unaware beyond reason
if nothing else


floots said...

absolutely right
this combo/analogy is inspired
especially like"lake-supported skies"
i could see myself sitting there
thank you

Masago said...

Superb. Great photo and this poem is inspired as floots points out.

Neetee said...

Of the different forms to write about that which we have come to know, you express yourself very well in this. Poetry is your friend.
Thank you for sharing your deep thoughts to us by way of it.

Pat Paulk said...

Maybe, sustaining illusion is the best any of us can do. "unaware beyond reason" love it!!

Anonymous said...

Intelligent as usual. Complex. Measured.

steve said...

floots - thank you - I was so happy about getting the camera back from the repair shop that I had to run out and do the equivalent of kissing the ground, hence this photo of a board - where the ambition idea came from...dunno. But on the idea of lakes & skies I'm sure I had one of your pictures somewhere in mind.

vaughn - thank you and for me it is a little like something at a musuem where I stop and wonder what on earth was going on.

queen neetee - very kind and thoughtful words...hoping to not go off the deep end...good to have poetry - and poets - for a friend.

jon - I admire your creative work with bottles, cans and assorted other materials to create convincing characters :)

pat - seems to be an important survival skill at times!

ryan - it's mainly fueled by avoiding some house projects that really need to get done. That, and a basic fear of being chosen last for kickball teams...the drive to sound profound :)