Thursday, March 09, 2006

Better Left Unsaid

eager inhalation
diaphragm compression
and out it comes

the flow of words

it's amazing, really,
how much damage
can be done

by a few words

hoping to impress
or win favor
or otherwise mislead

often does quite the opposite

just thinking out loud -
or doubting, rather.

have you ever read
the first few chapters
of Descartes' Meditations?

he had a lot of time
to think
and deliberately doubt


i don't know many people
who have that kind of time

but it's interesting reading -
i listened to my daughter read it
for her philosophy class

i was simply happy
to be there listening
and talking about it

her computer needed repair
so i was there
waiting for more help to arrive

i'm more careful what i say
since i don't know - really -
how many chances i'll have

this is getting long
and it's late
but please know

that i was thinking of you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that last line of course begs for some definition. and like the end of a talk where the acknowledgements start, it's difficult to know where to end. it also reminds me of the evening prayers we used to say that had a lengthy list of people to be blessed - and maybe that is the sense here. but all this, too, is perhaps better left unsaid, since it convinces no one.