Saturday, April 15, 2006


A or B

A and B

A and/or B

B and then A

B and not A

B or not A

B or not B


steve said...

kai - hi, and thank you for reading this kind of odd 'poem'

aurora - sometimes C really is the best option - thanks for the Challenge!:)

floots said...

a b c d goldfish
m n o goldfish
(always liked that when i was a kid)

choices were easier then :)

steve said...

thanks floots - sometimes easy, but so many at once!

I think the rest of it is 'osar goldfish':)

Pat Paulk said...

Shoot her Steve! Shoot her!!!! I always liked "all of the above".

steve said...

only in an agreed-on game of paintball - I think that's what they call it - never done this but I hear grown friends talk about it. Best I can come up with at the moment...I am giving some focus to shooting with a digital dad switched careers when he was younger than I am now, to be a photographer...he did take me hunting a few times, and also taught me how to use a camera.

Pat - I think the last choice (B or not B) is similar to an "All of the above" - it may include every possible option there is, even "None of the above," but my irrelevance alarm starts to go off when I talk like this...