Monday, April 10, 2006

The Monday Race

this one needs to be sent back to the kitchen!

Just think back
on all the marvelous Mondays
raring to go
chomping at the bit
pawing the ground
and wild-eyed

There's the bell
and they're off!
round the first turn
it's Green Tea by a nose!
over on the backstretch,
Bacon Bagel closes in
it's scrambled legs (***weak line alert***)

Hoof thunder
well-leaned profile
crop at the ready
there you are
fighting for place
ever edging forward

Home stretch
give all
don't fall
there's the line
camera flash
the Monday race


Pat Paulk said...

Very good Steve!! It's just a one horse race for me, coffee, and it always, win, places, and shows!

Kai said...

hey steve,
how are u? i'm good..thanks for your comment. i have no idea how does the ants move way too fast? its like i couldn't keep with them. and that's a good question! does the ants write poetry?

floots said...

enjoyed this
albeit very glad i'm now a non-starter :)

steve said...

Pat - coffee is usually a safe bet for me too! And is probably what I should have gone with here - thanks for stopping in, and I'd pour a cup if I could.

Kai - hi, actually I read a pretty good poem about some mayflies writing poetry and so when I read about your ants that is what I thought of. But I hope they don't bother you too much. Thank you for coming by.

floots - sounds great to me, more time to write!

aurora - yes, there must be some other 'breakfasty' thing that makes a better racehorse name. I wrote it too quickly this morning, etc...but even now kind of stuck...must be something!

Anonymous said...

Scrambled Legs?

Nick Zegarac said...

Steve, a great read with a lot of paralleling sentiment between horses and people and that bustling manic jump start that gets us out the gate every seven days.

On another note - I just wanted to clear up what I meant in "From the Editor's Desk". It's a piece written by a writer who's received more than his fair share of rejections. It wasn't meant as a snub. In fact, all the circumstances in it actually happened to yours truly - and still happen - in his quest to make a name for himself.

steve said...

Nick - thanks for the poem comment but even more for the "Editor's Desk" note - and apologies for my not-so-coherent state of mind on the comments there - I really didn't get it at first, probably because of limited experience but it made a lot more sense after a few others chimed in, which is a lesson. Thanks.

Capegirl said...

i retired years ago with injuries, now i work from home. yippee!