Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Citizen Kane
lost it
in the end
at the start
which we find
was the loss
from an angry father
it seems

and it rolled
and it broke
the little snowscene
which is all that was left
of his sister, her name
(not his sled)
on his lips
as he died


Neetee said...

What a sensitive and most beautifully nagivated piece about Citizen Kane. It was wonderful!

I would have loved that Orson Welles could have read this. Really!

steve said...

queen neetee - thank you for saying it like this - I think my interpretation is on, although I was surprised to see it described so differently on wikipedia as a reference simply to the sled and loss of childhood innocence...I want/need to go back and watch it again.

Thank you so much for stopping by.

floots said...

awesome wells? :)

steve said...

good one, floots! :)