Thursday, March 30, 2006


years ago
I learned to swim
under water

that was great fun
long as I didn't go deeper
than I could stand

one time
I did

it was not clear
where the bottom was
or, for that matter, the top

it was -

the lifeguard came
and pulled me out

I sat on the shore
in my towel

I remember
that rescue


Anonymous said...

as a really bad swimmer who has nearly drowned twice when i was younger, i can relate. i also relate on another more philosophical level to the feeling of panic and helplessness.

steve said...

capegirl - i'm taking a few swimming lessons to get past the choking and spluttering!

thank you for your thoughts here, and glad you can relate - sometimes that feeling can take over for a while, not fun. Great when somebody helps out, though can be hard to let them.

floots said...

i love to be near or on water
can't swim
i really felt this one

Anonymous said...

i worked for a year at a marine reserve. i was testing my mettle you know. i loved, water etc. loved it..even though I still am not confident with swimming. but good on you steve taking lessons! go for it, post a picture!

steve said...

floots - there is something very fundamental about the feeling of being in over our heads, isn't there?

capegirl - i don't think you'd really want to see :) but i do have a digital camera coming, so there may be some images added. good to spend time around water, even just looking at it.

Pat Paulk said...

Tis a good thing to remember!