Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Night

Several children
have lived here
all their lives
(well, except the eldest)
along with a few dogs, cats,
and the odd lizard or two.

This house is simple
more cabin than house
first conceived and built
100 years ago (nearly)
there is almost room
and lots of light

The dishes are washed
at the sink.

The warm air is blown
by fans.

The trees house various
squirrels, birds, and bugs.

There have of course been:
trips to the emergency room
broken windows
formal complaints, and
boyfriends staying too late

But what I remember tonight
is holding each of them
to comfort and calm
and laying them down
to sleep


Anonymous said...


floots said...

can be a wonderful place
i love your picture of it
thank you

steve said...

ryan - thanks for the knowing smile

floots - thank you - knew you would understand this well

aurora - thank you, and thank you. I so appreciate the pieces you do about the family you grew up in.