Monday, June 19, 2006

Morning Boot

Awake is a relative term
with a mix of components
that boot up each day

and depending on the state
things were left in
it may take longer

years sometimes

like Descartes
thinking comes first

or does it
since it may be possible
to be awake without thinking

yes, I'm sure I've seen this

then there is the phenomenon
of warming up
half an hour at least for violin

wide awake
are we ever there
or does it keep shifting

not a simple on/off question


Pat Paulk said...

Excellent!! Not 'til after 2 cups of black coffee!! And, then I'm not sure!! Love the last line. It never is!!

steve said...

pat - definitely need that kick-start. Thanks.

kai - love how you leave these pleasant little notes!

floots said...

nice one
my mornings are so similar to this
(substitute blowing for bowing)
then as you say
it's not a simple on/off question

steve said...

floots - i suppose there is a kind of warming up for writing as well, although that seems to depend on lots of things besides being awake.