Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Nuts by the door

A small handful of nuts
almonds, to be precise
slightly salted, in a jar
kept by the door

they came from -
who knows where
like hundreds of other things
within a few steps

the paint stays on the wall
for quite a while
then needs some attention
this happens so slowly

the bug on the window screen
behaves much like all the others
that have been there before
it's a popular place

my dog has gray hair
around her eyes
she walks carefully
and seems to smile


Pat Paulk said...

Steve this is a great poem!!!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Very interesting - what a group of thoughts!

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed!

Neetee said...

Wonderful snippets!

I hope you don't mind me saying that this reminds me of my little art pieces. Maybe I should use a couple of these for new paintings.

I LOVE this!

steve said...

pat - thamk you!

andrew - there are quite a few different things near the door when I come home.:)

ryan - thanks

queen neetee - collaboration can be a beautiful thing - I'm quite pleased that you had this thought. If you decide to do a painting, I think my heart would go to the moon.

floots said...

as you say
things can happen so slowly
even to dogs
but that smile at the end
lets us know
there is something extra special about this one
loved it

steve said...

thanks floots - she is a special dog, and somehow seems to be appreciative every day. It's amazing.