Thursday, February 02, 2006

Le Matin

Good morning. Morning here, anyway. Snow, ice, a pile of firewood. The odd squirrel or bird. Groundhog Day. Not very shadowy at the moment.


It's later now. We had a Language Society council meeting today - I love those, such a mixed group of styles and it's a wonder we get anything done. We have nationals who speak Spanish, French, German, Japanese, and several of us who make the attempt to speak some of these, all teacher/leader types and we're trying to conduct business. It's fun - somebody manages to pull it together eventually.

There was a special visitor at work today who came to give a talk. It went pretty well, he had to use a lot of technical words that I'm guessing weren't very familiar to him and I was just cringing waiting for it go wrong - at one point stumbled on 'single compression' which really was supposed to be 'signal compression,' but overall not too bad. Cynthia got to see the motorcade on the freeway. Seems to have gone off without any problems, which is good.

Music team rehearsal tonight, somehow the social time seemed natural and relaxed, I think we were all a bit tired - we have gotten to know each other well enough to laugh and have fun with the time. I think most of us have kids so it is kind of break and time with other adults doing something enjoyable like learning new songs to play/sing.

The van has a very squealy serpentine belt, Cara was telling me off about it this morning - "Dad, this is really bad. You need to get a new car." Maybe she's right. At the least, I need to take care of the belt somehow.

Have a good evening, and don't forget to look at the sky sometimes.


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