Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Turning things around. Starting over. Trying again.

We're into day 38 of getting organized to get things done. Parts of it are working, I think. I'm a little obsessed with the laptop, taking it to most meetings and tapping away at notes or looking up data as somebody's talking about it, or sending a note to ask a question that could be helpful for the meeting in progress. Kind of fun, but I worry about it being annoying to others. I have a hard time sitting still if the meeting drags at all.

Started re-reading 'Getting Things Done' - now that I've actually put a lot of it in place, time to retrace and see what I missed/didn't understand. Need to start hitting some of the projects now that foundations are laid better.

Violin has really fallen off the map. It's hard to practice when I feel like it's a pain for everybody else in the house. But really I can practice with a heavy mute and it's not so loud, and once I get warmed up (takes about half an hour) the playing sounds better. I love to play once it gets going.

Brought home a little booklet in Spanish about '150 ways to show children that you care about them' - told daughter #3 to pick out five of them for me to do. We should have some time this evening to work on math - she can do it fine but sometimes the tests get to be a challenge, I know she can do well and I want to help her study and do whatever to help build her self-confidence. It's so important (the self-confidence part - although math can be pretty useful sometimes too).

A couple of sickies at home, they just need lots of rest. Peter is fine and just brought in a long strip of tape to show me how the static electricity makes it come towards his other hand.

I guess that's all for now. I'm encouraged by hearing about mending relationships. Guess I better work on mine too.


This evening listening to "Story in Your Eyes" by Moody Blues - I need to learn the bass part for tomorrow night - very cool song and we are going to do it! Lots of vocal work, and I know the guitarists are excited about their parts at the beginning.

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