Tuesday, February 28, 2006


"We, who are on the road,
must have a code that we can live by" -- CSNY

emerging from his laboratory world
to look about and find they are there,
the poets, musicians, who daily check
round the world, and create, and admire

tentatively joining in, uninvited, hoping
but not too sure
that the time spent
is otherwise misspent

he pulls his violin from case
tightens bow
feels the resonating
and wonders

"how are they today"
asleep, some
for it is night there
though soon they wake

can be so close


floots said...

nice one
i often get exactly these feelings
(only difference is that i'll pick up a wind instrument instead of a violin)
i stood at the window yesterday
playing and watching snow
knowing that others
(only a mouse-click away)
were in a world of heat

good to hear from you
i like your poetic response/comments
no need to apologise
for making me smile
making me think


steve said...

floots - quietly appreciative
a snow-watcher the same

my eldest is 19 today
there were daffodils in the warm south
this day those years ago
when she came

somewhere in my pack is a D whistle
which i must put out on the music stand

thank you floots