Monday, February 06, 2006

What's All This About Hedgehogs?

From Jim Collins on hedgehogs behavior:

1. What you can be the best in the world at (and, equally important, what you cannot be the best in the world at)?

2. What drives your economic engine?

3. What you are deeply passionate about?

I'm sorry, none of this connects very well at the moment. It certainly doesn't fit with "Look, I'm just trying to survive, OK?" But that's also not so great.

What is it to be 'great'?

Some would say it involves being the least. Being a servant. Putting others first. Giving others credit. Acknowledging mistakes. Forgiving. And still being able to laugh and feel good about life.

Hey, good morning. We're up and about, one or two feeling kind of sick but some rest should take care of that. The day is kicked off and it looks pretty good outside.


Afternoon toast with Nutella which is a treat.


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