Friday, January 20, 2006

Falling Through the Cracks

There are lots of things that fall through cracks. Usually "letting something fall through the cracks" refers to neglect, inattention, forgetfulness, or some combination thereof. This would be different than actively throwing something out.

The 'organizing effort' is bearing some fruit in terms of getting smaller jobs done, things thrown out that need to be thrown out, and a little more ability to focus on one thing at a time to finish it.

A key lesson so far has been to make a clear distinction between items that need action and items that just need to be stored for future reference. The less mixed these are, the better.

The 'two minute' rule is pretty good - if something needs doing and is going to take two minutes or less, do it. Sometimes it's sending an email to ask for information - then that item moves to a 'waiting for' file and gets reviewed every coupla days at least, which is better than just trying remember to do something about it. I like it.

Kindness goes a long way to dealing with cracks in relationships.

1 comment:

linda said...

Kindness goes a long way to dealing with cracks in relationships.

Yes, it does. Sometimes we take the ones we love for granted and that creates cracks. Kindness mends those cracks and maks the relationship stronger.

Kindness goes a long way period, doesn't it? A smile, letting someone out in traffic, a compliment, an email asking "How are you," a small gift. Angels are in the details of life; kindness makes the world a better place.