Saturday, January 28, 2006


End of the day recap:

1. This morning's programming effort seems to have progressed to a point where I'm ready to let someone else see the results. Not being a programmer, nor wanting to be one - officially - my stuff is not expected to withstand high winds. But it should be useful, and I think it will be.

2. Peter & I made it to the Mary Poppins-type movie -'Nanny McPhee' - which we both liked, especially since the oldest son who was a type of hero reminded me of Peter. I've got to make good deposits into this kid's heart.

3. Home briefly. Natalie stopped in to pick up an unexpected but welcome paycheck that came in the mail, and then off to a basketball game - I think it was. Her January statistics class is finished and it sounds like she did pretty well.

4. Peter & I off to the Y for our usual 'triathalon' - racquetball 30 min., basketball (15 out of 100 freethrows for me - no comment - well yes comment, a lot of the missed shots were pretty close. Never mind), and then swimming for about half an hour. Good hot showers and home.

5. Rose back from overnighter, invited to go out with us for dinner but opted to stay home. Peter & I pretty relaxed and tired by end of dinner, cruised home.

6. Special trip to store for item that we thought was on hand but wasn't and couldn't wait.

Pretty much it. A bit of laundry running now. Good, ordinary stuff.

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