Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hello, whirled

Reading 'Getting Things Done' by David Allen. Getting this done.

Welcome to 'slog2live', the blog version of my 'slog.' 'slog' started about a year ago as emails to keep in touch with family. The name comes from my brother's observation that a log from Steve could be called a 'slog.' Suits me fine. Thanks, Ian.

I'm going to assume that this is fairly public. It also seems safe to assume that it is about as public as a back alley in a town that isn't on most maps. We'll see.

Major accomplishment today if this works, being Jan. 1 and all. Looking forward to your comments.



Anonymous said...

Hi - this is a comment from your mother, so I'm not sure it counts. There is probably a good reason to send messages this way as opposed to the previous way, would you explain to me? Does it save space or something?

It was really nice to see all your family recently. Mom

steve said...

One reason to use 'blog' format rather than e-mail is the ability to keep the history all in one place. That can be good or bad, depending on what the history is. For some things it will still be better to use e-mail. But for the 'daily slog' I'm going to try this blog format for a while. It does have the potential disadvantage that people will have to actively check - but once it is added to Favorites it's easy to check.